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A Photographic Scrapbook

Here are shots of some of our current members. Click on any photo to enlarge it.

John Calhoun
(click to enlarge)

John Calhoun

"I'm a social worker who has been a Center member since 1985 and who appreciates many of Paul Rosenfels' ideas as most useful in helping others formulate and make sense of their problems."

Bob Fink

"As a child, I found discussions about the inner lives of characters from history and fiction to be fascinating. As an adult, I am more interested in learning up front about the motives of my fellow human beings."

Bob Fink
(click to enlarge)


Some Polaroids of Paul taken a year or two before we opened the Center . . .

Standing on the deck of the Staten Island ferry. Standing on the deck of
the Staten Island ferry.
(click to enlarge)
Standing in front of St. Mark's Church in the Bowery, on the corner of Second Avenue and 10th Street. Standing in front of St. Mark's Church
in the Bowery, on the corner of
Second Avenue and 10th Street.
(click to enlarge)
After a long talk in the early morning hours. After a long talk in
the early morning hours.
(click to enlarge)


Some snapshots that were taken during the early days of the Center . . .

Paul and me
(click to enlarge) Paul and me standing in front of the Center a few weeks after we opened it in March, 1973.
Paul washing dishes
(click to enlarge) Washing dishes at our apartment on Sixth Street.
Paul with no more dishes to wash
(click to enlarge) No more dishes to wash!
Dean in the patient's chair
(click to enlarge) Trying not to be swallowed in the huge recliner Paul bought so his patients would be comfortable.
Paul at the Center
(click to enlarge) Sitting at the second-hand desk in the Center that doubled as a serving table for the Saturday Night Buffet Suppers.
Dean wondering about the Center
(click to enlarge) Trying to postpone my turn at the dishes and wondering if anyone is going to buy this "Center" idea.
Paul laughing
(click to enlarge) Laughing at somebody's joke.
Dean out for a walk
(click to enlarge) Out for a walk in Tompkins Square Park.
Paul at home
(click to enlarge) At home in the kitchen.
The Ninth Street Gang
(click to enlarge) The Ninth Street Gang at the very first Gay Pride Day Parade.
Laurie Bell and friend
(click to enlarge)

Laurie Bell, one of Paul's first New York students, with a friend of hers, around 1960.

A morph of Rachel Bartlett made
from 8 individual photographs:


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© 1997 - 2025 The Ninth Street Center, Inc.   (dh2025@nyc.rr.com)

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